This is without a doubt my absolute most favorite item I've ever reviewed! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am with what this program provides for myself and my family and I know when you hear about it, you're going to want it too!
So, what is it? Well, it's called 30 Meals in One Day and it's a great program that allows you to spend a whole day (it actually took me a little over 2 because I added sides and some extras, in addition to the main meals) cooking and then freeze the meals. Do you realize what that means? It means that you have a month's worth of meals prepared and frozen that all you have to do is thaw and either bake or heat up! Are you seeing why I'm excited about this?
I received their complete program that includes their software, cookbooks and labels. As soon as it arrived, I installed the software and started checking it all out. It didn't take me long to go through and find tons of meals that I knew my family would love. I made a meal menu from several of the listed recipes and it automatically made me a shopping list for the things I would need to prepare the meals. I was able to adjust the recipes to fit the number of servings that fit my family, as well as remove ingredients we didn't like (ewww, mushrooms). Then, on the shopping list, I was able to take off things I already had at home and add other things that I knew we would need, aside from the ingredients for the meals.
I then armed my husband (yes, he does the grocery shopping and yes, I know I'm a seriously lucky girl) with the grocery list and sent him off to gather up the goods. He said that 4 different people stopped him and asked why he was buying so much food. Afterall, he was buying 21 pounds of hamburger, 24 pork chops, several pounds of chicken and a ton of other stuff. Here's what we ended up with once he came home...

Now, I'm not going to lie, I was a little overwhelmed at first, when I really realized just what it was I was taking on, but once I got started I knew it was going to be awesome!
To make it easier on myself, I decided to make 2 of 15 different meals to add up to my 30 meals. I chose Almost Ravioli, Barbeque Beef and Biscuits, Cabbage Patch Stew, Chicken and Biscuits, Corn Chowder, Italian Shells, Jack Soup, Mexican Lasagna, Pizza in a Dish, Pork Chops with Carrots and Gravy, Ravioli Soup, Scalloped Pork Chops, Tortilla Chicken, Ground Beef Stroanoff and Italian Chili. I also decided to make Candied Carrots, Cheddar and Chili Pinwheels, Cheddar Biscuits, Garlic Cheese Bread, Onion Cheese Muffins and Sour Cream Croissants to go along with the soups and chilis I made. I wanted something I could give the boys for a snack after school, so I also decided to make Apple Cider Biscuits, Blueberry Muffins, Buttermilk Oatmeal Muffins, Honey Cranberry Muffins and Orange Cream Cheese Muffins.
As I mentioned before, it did take me longer than a day for sure, but the end result was soooo worth it. I now have a freezer stocked with meals and don't even have to think about what I'm going to prepare for dinner for a while. The program allows you to print labels that tell you how to heat up the meals once they've been frozen too, so that is just an extra bonus! See...(I forgot to take a picture before we started eating meals, so several aren't in this picture, but you get the idea).

So far, we have had Beef Stroganoff, Corn Chowder, Barbeque Beef and Biscuits, Blueberry Muffins, Honey Cranberry Muffins, Buttermilk Oatmeal Muffins, and Orange Cream Cheese Muffins. They have all been incredible and the kids and my husband agree that they'd love for me to make them all again! Tonight we are having Jack Soup and Garlic Cheese Bread for dinner and I'm looking forward to it!
Probably the greatest thing out of this whole experience though is what I was able to do with some of these meals that I hadn't ever dreamed would be the case when I started out. Last weekend, my very good friend's 22 month old daughter broke her femur. She is in a cast that makes her immobile and she will be that way for 8 weeks while it heals. Not only that, but her older children started school this week and she is in nursing school! Having these meals already prepared in my freezer has allowed me to take over 2 meals to their family this week. What a blessing it is to be able to help their family out with simply taking away the stress of figuring out what to make for dinner. I will be taking more meals over to them in the weeks to come and am so happy to be able to do so. This got me thinking about how if I continue with this program and always keep my freezer stocked, not only does it help me out when we're short on time, but it allows me to be a blessing to others who may be in a difficult situation. Who knew that a program like this could be such a blessing to people outside of my own family? I think it's just awesome.
So, if you don't already think the 30 Meals in a Day program sounds amazing (you must be crazy), what do you think about the chance to win their Dinner is Ready book and software combo?! Sounds pretty darn good, doesn't it?
*If you want this program and don't want to have to wait to see if you win, you can purchase this $40 combo for $32 on their website. Also, you can use the promo code CAROUSEL to get free shipping on a U.S. order (Canadians can get $4 off an order, but should not use the promo code).*
*If you purchase this combo from the website and then win the giveaway, the company will refund your order! If you go online and order their full set (all three cookbooks and 3-in-1 software) BEFORE THE WINNER IS ANNOUNCED, they will refund $60 of the winner's order. Can't beat that deal, can ya?!*
Get your entries in now for this awesome giveaway. Trust me, you really really want this! See below for how to enter...
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on September 19th. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Go to 30 Meals in One Day and tell me one of the recipes they have on the website that you would like to try. (1 entry)
Extra Entries:
Follow my blog (publicly via google friend connect, located on the top sidebar) - You can use this as an entry whether you are a new follower or a current follower. (1 entry)
Subscribe to my blog via the sign-up found on the right sidebar of my blog to be sure to never miss a great giveaway! (1 entry)
Follow my blog via Networked Blogs, located on the right sidebar under google friend connect. (1 entry)
"Like" my Facebook page, located on the right sidebar. (1 entry)
Place my Finally Finding Me button on your blog and leave me a comment saying you did. The button is found on the right sidebar of my blog.
(1 entry)
Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and leave me the link to your post. (1 entry)
That's 7 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
I would like to try the honey lime chicken.
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I would like to try the cream cheese chicken.
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What a cool site!! I would like to try the Honey Barbequed Ribs and the Cheesy Ham and Potatoes!
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
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I would like to try the Cream Cheese Chicken- creamy and cheesy-sure to be a hit in my house!!!
kowandamcbride (at) yahoo (dot) com
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Simply Lasagna
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The coconut shrimp sounds great!
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Ok this made me laugh before I came to make a post I went to find the recipe I wanted t try and it is the same as my sister! LOL
I would like to try the Honey Lime chicken too!
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I'd like to try the Zesty Beef and Vegetable Soup
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
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Oh, I used to cook this way years ago! Not much cooling going on in my house lately, maybe I need to look at a modified once a month cooking! Following via google connect!
I would like to try Apple Roast Pork Sandwiches. It sounds yummy!
Email Subscriber!
jennifers2blessings at yahoo dot com
I'd like to try the Cheesy Ham and Potatoes!
Oooh I think I'm going to try the Cream cheese chicken ASAP! NEXT weekend...sounds so oooey gooey yum!
f/book fan
The Cheesy Ham and Potatoes sounds good! I can't believe that there are so many meals that can be converted into freezer meals! I only know about lasagna. :)
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id love to try the cheesy ham and potatoes :)
i "like" you on facebook :)
Casey Lee Flick
i follow you on GFC :)
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