You read that right, you should be dating your husband. I feel that this is such an important element of a marriage that so many people ignore. I get it. Life gets busy, especially when you have kids. When you don't have to be running kids somewhere or there is a moment to just be home, then that's what you want to do. What you don't realize is that you're missing out on the chance to feed your relationship with your husband. Do you know that when your marriage is strong, you can be a better parent? What I mean by that is that when your children see you and your husband laughing, being playful and loving on each other, it gives them an incredible sense of security and a healthy picture of what a marriage should look like and what they should look for in a marriage. It's hard to feel playful with your husband when you're tired, stressed and dealing with the madness of home-life. That's why it's important to break away and have some time where the two of you can talk, eat, etc. without being a mediator between arguing kids, having to clean up a mess or trying to yell to each other over a wrestling match in your living room (hey, it happens). You and your husband need to go on dates! I mean the kind where you get yourself all done up and wear your best perfume. When I go out on a date with my husband, I want him to know that I view my alone time with him as being as special and important to me as a special event I would get ready for. I wouldn't wear jeans and a hoodie out to a special event, so why would I wear them out on a date with my husband? I want him to know that I am excited to spend time with him and I want to look special for him. Since I never leave the house without my hair and makeup done anyway, this means that I do something a little extra special with my makeup and I wear a special perfume that I know he really likes. I like to wear an outfit that I don't typically wear and maybe even do my hair a little different. Brian is always very complimentary to me, but he points out specific things on our date nights, which lets me know he notices the special attention I put into getting ready to go out with him and that he likes it. Such a simple thing, but makes such a big statement. Doesn't your husband and your marriage deserve that? I sure hope so. For our date night last night, I decided to make my hair a little bigger than usual and did my eye makeup a little darker...
I decided to wear a pair of black pants with a cute shirt and some black wedge booties. (Sorry the lighting is so bad).
We just went out for dinner, did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby and went and got a gift at Family Christian for my soon-to-be Goddaughter. Nothing super fancy, but we just had fun getting to eat in peace and getting to shop without kids asking over and over if we could leave the store yet. Aaaahhhh, it's the little things, people. So do yourself, your spouse, your marriage and your children a favor and go out on a date with your husband. I know it's not always easy to get babysitters, so it might not get to happen really often, but if at all possible, try to spend some time alone together at least once a month. You both need this and you just might be surprised at how much fun you can have together when you get away from the distractions of everyday life. You just might discover something new about each other too and you'll be refreshed and better able to handle the least for a couple hours or so.
Love the blog: keep up the great work!
Thank you so much, Meran!
Date nights are important to keep the spark alive! Now with both my boys out on their own, it seems like we have date nights more often!
Cute outfit by the way!!
Thank you, Jodi! We're finding it's easier to get date nights in now that the boys can stay home alone for a while. Wasn't so easy when they were younger and we needed babysitters.
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