Oh the dumb fun one can have with a simple little gadget. I found this website and have been thoroughly amused by it, so I thought I'd share. It's at www.yearbookyourself.com and you just upload pictures of you and fit them in. I'm thinkin' I would've been pretty hot if I had been a teenager in the 60s, wouldn't you agree?
Here's a little taste of what I might have looked like in 1956.
Oh yeah, I sport those winged glasses pretty well. I would've been hot in 1960. LOL
I might have looked like this in 1966. That's some big hair. Kinda like a helmet.
Would I have looked like this in 1968?
1970 is looking a little too laid back for me.
Pretty sure I know people who still wear their hair in this style from 1990. Scary, isn't it?
This is 1994 and I'm thinking I looked almost exactly like this in 1994. That hairdo is eerily familiar.
Here's what Brian might have looked like in 1954, only I'm guessing he wouldn't have had all the facial hair, but this was just too funny not to put it on here.
Well, it's definitely been a while since I've blogged. Life has been crazy busy, but it's been a beautiful busy. No complaints about that, that's for sure.
Right now though, I have this unsettled, misunderstood feeling and it's bumming me out. Part of what has prompted this is a dream I had last night where some very important people in my life were making fun of me and saying very hurtful things about my latest "kick I'm on" and they used other terms for it too. Basically, they were referring to my relationship with Christ and treating it as though it's a "phase I'm going through" and not at all seeing it for what it actually is. I guess the reason this dream bothered me so much is because I really feel that a lot of them actually do view it like that. In reality, this is the most "real" thing that I've ever had in my life. Other believers know what I'm talking about, but how do you get the people around you who you love so much to really understand that this isn't just a "phase" or a "kick" but a whole new life? The old me is gone and I say "good riddance". I'm still me, of course. I'm still a big sarcastic goofball with all of my quirks and dorkiness that I've always been, but now there is just so much more to me. I know that people have noticed how much happier, positive, etc. I am, so why can't they see that for what it is and not view it as just something I'm experiencing for a period of time? I am on fire for the Lord. I live for Him and I just wish everyone could experience the same joy that I have. Actually, they can, they just for some reason choose not to and I can understand that because I lived that same way for so long. I just keep praying that they will too be able to experience the true joy in life that can only be found in Him.
Anyway though, I was here in my room, cleaning and listening to the Contemporary Christian station on Yahoo Launchcast (you should check it out, they play a lot of really good music and it's free) and the line "I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing." played from the Chris Tomlin (incredible artist, by the way, check him out) song, How Can I Keep From Singing. I got a huge chill and teared up a little, because I know God was reminding me that He loves me and that not everyone will understand me, but He does. I have come to know that nothing happens by accident or coincidence, but God's plan is in everything. I've learned to stop and listen to what He's saying and to just trust that everything is a part of His plan. Wow, life is so much better when you can see things in that light. Anyway, here is the song with lyrics so you can know exactly what it says.
I just want to say, "Thank you, God, for sending me a little message when I was feeling down. You always seem to do that, I just have to be open enough to listen for it."
Literally. I have 4 pairs of khaki pants and 5 dress shirts to iron today in preparation for my sister's wedding on Saturday. Did I mention I despise ironing and only do it when totally and completely necessary? Well, this would be one of those times. Blech. Ok, I'll get over it, just wanted to complain a little. At least now we all have all of our clothes, shoes, socks, undergarments, etc. together and should be good to go. I even know what I'm wearing for the rehearsal tomorrow, but I still have no idea what I'm dressing all the boys in. It's fairly informal though (in a park barbequing at the pavilion) so it shouldn't have to be anything too fussy. So far today has been a good day.
I made the boys toast with butter, cinnamon and sugar on it for breakfast and you would have thought I was a master chef or something. I know I've made it for them before but it must have been a long time ago, because they didn't remember having it before. Oh the little things that bring such joy. I'm all about that. So, I reign as "Awesome Mom" for at least a couple hours. Go me.
Oh, and I finished my speech that I have to give at the reception too. That's a relief. It actually only took me about 5 minutes to do it, but I was panicked because I had completely forgotten about it up to that point. I actually think I have all my stuff in order for once in my life. I'm certainly not ruling out the possiblity that there will be something crucial I'm forgetting, but for now, I'm feeling pretty dang good.
Oh, this was a featured video on MySpace today. I never usually look at those, but this looked amusing so I checked it out. It was, in fact, amusing. Just thought I'd share. Kinda funny. Bible In A Minute
WOW! That's pretty much all I have to say is...WOW! I have had the most incredible time lately and I just can't stop feeling completely overjoyed and excited. We just got back on Sunday evening from an amazing week away at Missionary Church Camp and we're all so bummed that it's over and can't wait for next year. It was a week full of learning, bonding, making new friends, getting closer to some of the people we already knew, and worshipping the Lord. What could be better? Our kids had so much fun and hated to have to come home and I just about cried as we were pulling out of there on Sunday. I am forever changed by that week and the experiences I had. I really will never be the same and I am so thankful for it. Gavin and I ran our first 5K together and it was so fun! I placed 3rd in my age group (ok, so there were only 3 of us, but at least I finished and I finished strong, I might add) and Gavin finished 6th in his age group out of 11. We had so much fun and even enjoyed running and training for it on the mornings leading up to it. It took us down dirt and gravel roads and through two huge hilly and grassy fields. It most definitely was not easy, but it felt awesome. We're very excited for next year and plan on training and really being ready for it the next time around. All in all, it was a week that is beyond description. I really just can't even put into words the feelings that I felt there. The Holy Spirit was definitely present and prompted me to take some action on some things in my life that I've been thinking about for a long time. I learned a lot about myself and developed a really good friendship over the week and I just couldn't be happier. So, without further delay, here are some pictures from our week...
Asher riding the purple dinosaur and I'm loving the look on Gavin's face.
Asher close-up.
Gavin getting ready to shoot one of the air rockets off by our campsite.
An action shot of Gavin shooting the rocket at Riley (see the rocket flying at him?) and Riley fighting back superhero style with his pillowcase cape and squirt gun.
Superhero Riley!
Brian and Asher in the tabernacle.
Riley and I in the tabernacle.
Gavin and I before our 5K. (Yes, we've established I'm a dork.)
Gavin and I all sweaty after the 5K.
Huh? What Mom?
Asher has been singing this ever since we got home. He sings "He sought me and bought me..." all the time in his cute little voice. It's just the best.
I've been married to my husband, Brian, since June 12, 1999 and we have 3 amazing boys. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home and raise my kids until they were all in school and I am thankful for that everyday. I'm a quirky, emotional, self-proclaimed dork and I've finally gotten to the point in my life where I'm cool with that.