We got the kids (ok, and ourselves) a Nintendo Wii for Christmas and we all love it. There are a variety of different types of games for our different personalities (Gavin and Brian like sports games, Riley likes adventure/action games, Asher loves driving games and I like puzzle-type games) but what we all like best are games we can play together as a family. When I saw the JumpStart Get Moving Family Fitness game, I got really excited!
Here is a little info about the game...
As you know, for years, JumpStart has been creating the best learning games for kids. Now, with Get Moving Family Fitness, JumpStart is making fitness fun too! Discover the ultimate family sports game with fitness expert and mom of 4, Brooke Burke. With more than 15 sports challenges in 11 exotic arenas, Get Moving is the fun, new way to keep your family active!
Some key features in our new Wii game make it all the more exciting! You can design your own character to race and play, build customized routines for extra challenge, compete head to head or play solo, play underwater, on a farm, in Egypt of 8 other exotic locations, and access expert tips for more ways to stay healthy!

The game arrived as I was heading out the door one evening, but I gave it to the boys anyway and told them they could play it while I was gone (Brian was doing some work in his office, so this would be perfect to keep the boys occupied for a little while). They were excited to have a new game to play and since Asher and Riley both love the JumpStart online game, they were especially excited.
The next morning when I got them up for school, they were telling me that they really liked it and Riley asked if I could play it with him later that day. I figured that would be a great way to spend some time with him and see what the game was all about.
You get to create your own little person to look like you (or if you're Asher, to look as crazy as possible) which the kids think is fun and I kinda do too. If you haven't figured out that I'm just a big dork, then you haven't been reading my blog. LOL I was disappointed to see that only 2 people can play at the same time. You can play solo or head-to-head with one other player. Seeing that it's called "Family" Fitness, I was hoping it would be one of the 4 player games, so that was kind of a bummer. Riley and I did all the races (my favorite was the speed skating one where you have to duck under caution tape), we did some batting in baseball, we shot some 3 point shots in basketball, we bumped the ball in volleyball, we did the tire run and run back run in football and we did a little boxing. We had a great time, although some things were a little hard for even me right at first. Overall though, it was fun.
One cool thing about the solo play though, is that you can use the Wii Balance Board with it if you have one. You can use it for step aerobics, dodgeball, pinball and several other of the activites. Another cool thing is that you earn medals for how you do in each activity, so the kids like to see whether they got a gold, silver or bronze medal at the end of each thing they do.
During the whole time of playing with Riley, I kept thinking "Is this really doing much for me in terms of fitness? I don't really feel like I'm doing all that much.". Ha! Let me tell you that the next day, my arms and my glutes were seriously feeling it. So yup, fitness is definitely included in the game!
My overall rating for this game would probably be a 3 out of 5 and here is why...
1. It only supports up to 2 players at a time
2. Most of the activities are too hard for my 4 1/2 year old who actually usually catches on to games pretty quickly.
3. It's too juvenile for my 11 year old.
So basically, it just doesn't deliver what I was hoping for in terms of being a "family" game. For some families it may be great, but for ours, it's just ok. I think if it had been marketed as a kid's game instead of a family game, that would have been better. I'm thinking kids ages 5-9 would probably like it best.
In saying that, I love JumpStart and their online community is an absolute favorite in our house. Riley and Asher (8 and 4 1/2 years) are on it pretty much daily. So, just because this game wasn't all that I had hoped it would be, I am still a huge fan of JumpStart and can't wait to see what they come out with in the future. Perhaps a family game that supports up to 4 players?!
Does this game sound like it would be a good fit for your kids? If so, you're in luck, because JumpStart wants to give one of my readers your very own copy of JumpStart Get Moving Family Fitness for the Wii! See below for how to get entered to win...
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on June 22nd. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit the JumpStart website and tell me another JumpStart product or a feature of the game I reviewed that you like. (1 entry)
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That's 7 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
JumpStart provided me with a copy of JumpStart Get Moving Family Fitness for me to review on my blog.
Jump Start makes Uncle Milton's Amazing Science Lab!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The Escape From Adventure Island looks like a cute one. My girls have always loved playing the jump start games. Very helpful in their learning.
imisstx at comcast dot net
I am an email subscriber. you know I love your blog
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imisstx at comcast dot net
Great giveaway. I'd choose Jump Start Escape from Adventure Island, as I know my twin boys would love that. One of my twins would really like Pet Rescue though too.
I'm a follower of your blog.
I'm a subscriber too :-)
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The Escape From Adventure Island game looks so fun too!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I would like to have the Pet Rescue..well, actually my niece would not me lol.
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1.rollre blading is so me! shlley(DOT)haskell(at)yhaoo(dot)com
2.i got your button.
My daughter would love the pet rescue game
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I learned that Brooke Burke from Dancing with the Stars is featured on the game.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
Escape from adventure island sounds fun (I'm totally a kid at heart!)
1. Escape from Adventure Island looks cute.
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another Wii game they have is Pet Rescue
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
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throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Jumpstart » Wii Games » Escape From Adventure Island
After visiting their site, I would have to pick Pet rescue, both Avery and Brianna just love animals! Although escape from adventure island looks pretty cool too! Decisions Decisions!
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The Escape from Adventure Island game also looks like fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
mary (dot) avinger (at) gmail (dot) com
The Pet Rescue game also looks like fun. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail
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I love competition of head to head play, but I also like that you can play solo, if no one else is around.
I think my younger kids would like the Pet Rescue Wii game.
my kids would really like pet rescue, my daughter saw it at target and wanted it, eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i follow thanks
i subscribe thanks
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