He's the kid that whenever we are out somewhere without the other boys, he wants to bring them home a treat or surprise of some kind. He offers up some of his birthday and Christmas money to buy his brothers something. He's the kids that stands up when other kids are being mean to someone and tells them they shouldn't treat people that way. He randomly suggests that we pray for different people because they cross his mind and he thinks it seems like the right thing to do. He just amazes me with his sweet, thoughtful nature.
Now, make no mistake, this kid has a temper on him that makes me crazy some days (he's a lot like my Dad in that way and whenever my Dad sees him act out like that and says something about it, I remind him of how alike they are and he can't help but let out a nervous little laugh because he knows it's true). He is extremely sensitive (which in some ways is a wonderful characteristic) but he takes things so personally and gets his feelings hurt so easily that we have to talk him out of being upset several times daily.
Overall though, he is one heck of a kid and he makes his dad and I so proud. He makes sure to let everyone he loves know it. He is just a wonderful gift from God and I am so thankful to have the priveledge of raising him. I pray that God will do mighty things through him!
Unfortunately I don't have many pictures on this computer, but here are some of my cutie patootie Riley...

What a handsome little man. He sounds alot like Abbi in some ways. Hope he had a great birthday and Happy Birthday from us over here on Cherry St. Have a great weekend and thanks for watching my two youngest kiddos. You and your husband rock in the Nursery!! LOve ya
Shelley :)
Happy Birthday, Riley!! You're just plain ol' AWESOME!!
Isaac just loves Riley - and they are so alike in many ways (we have many of those talks with Isaac, as well). Today he told me, "Ya know Momma, he's my friend!" - pointing at Riley. Then they went on to discuss Iron Man and cuss words and how it isn't right to say those words. Luv those boys~
Happy Birthday Riley! Hope you had a great day!
I hope he had a great birthday!
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