So, you already know I'm a big fan of Rock 'N Learn and their learning DVDs. Well, I'm back to tell you about 2 more that I think are fantastic!
First of all is the Human Body DVD. The kids thought this one looked cool and wanted to see what it was all about. I thought it was very thorough and taught a lot. The kids were interested and being boys, thought some of the "grossness" of the body was incredibly cool, of course. Gavin is in 5th grade and they learned quite a bit about the Human Body this year, so he knew some of it, but there was a lot he didn't know yet too. I even think it's cool. Sometimes (ok, most of the time) we forget just how complex our bodies are and this is a cool way to see just what our bodies do every day to keep us going.
Here is a little video clip from part of the Human Body DVD.
The second DVD we reviewed is the Spanish DVD. Now, I wanted this one because I was so bummed that I didn't know more Spanish (even just more of the basics) when I went to Mexico last year. Gavin is excited about this one because he will have the opportunity to take Spanish in 7th grade and he's thinking this will give him a headstart on that, which it definitely will. Something I remember from taking Spanish in school is that we had to refer to the things in the classroom in Spanish and the video covers all the classroom items, so that's perfect! We haven't had a chance to watch the entire DVDs yet, but I know this is going to be a big help to Gavin for when he does take Spanish and it's just fun for the other kids to refer to things in Spanish, so it's great for all of us!
Here is a video clip from the Spanish DVD.
I have yet to find a Rock 'N Learn DVD that my family doesn't love. I actually just don't think that will ever happen! They are such great tools for learning and I love that Asher is getting exposed to them and so much great material at such a young age. I HIGHLY recommend Rock 'N Learn for every family!
*You can save 25% on your entire purchase by using code JQ7711 (U.S. only) at checkout.*
Also, check out the complementary websites for their science titles at
The great people over at Rock 'N Learn would like to offer 2 of my readers the DVD of your choice! WoooHoooo! See below for how to gain entries!
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on June 10th. At that time I will use to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Rock 'N Learn and tell me what DVD you will choose if you win! (1 entry)
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Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and leave me the link to your post. (1 entry)
That's 7 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
Nick Would Be 25 Years Old Today
13 hours ago
I am soooooo thrilled you shared this. I have not ever heard of Rock N Learn. I love the clip you shared. Thanks so much. This for sure will be on our list of stuff to get for homeschool. Thanks.
1. I would love the Spanish DVD or Human Anatomy is awesome.
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After looking at a bunch of them, I decided that I would like the Spanish one if I won!
householdcents (at) gmail (dot) com
I am already a follower on Google Connect. :)
householdcents (at) gmail (dot) com
We love learning videos at our house!
I would chose the Spanish video (Volumes 1 and 2).
Abbi (at) abbisbridal (dot) com
I would choose the Alphabet Circus DVD
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I'd pick the human body DVD
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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I'm a FB fan Jenna Marie Wood
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Getting Ready for Kindergarten
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
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I would like the physical science
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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