Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Little Mommy Love

Gavin is going on a field trip today and Riley wanted to have cold lunch just because Gavin was (they have hot lunch everyday), so they both took cold lunch today. I decided to stick a little note in each of their lunches just telling them how much I love them and that I thank God everyday that they are my sons. Hopefully I won't embarrass Gavin. I think Riley will love it though. I am excited to see what they think of me leaving little notes in their lunch to them.

Here's a little view of what the morning went like. I got the boys all ready and made sure they had everything they needed and we loaded into the van. I told Gavin to put his lunch in his backpack, but he said he wanted to carry it because he was afraid it would get crushed by the stuff in his backpack. We prayed together before we headed to the school and the morning was just going wonderfully. I took Gavin and dropped him off on his side of the school and told him I wouldn't embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends, but I told him I loved him and he said it back and we high fived (hey, I'll take it). Then, I drove around to Riley's side, where he hugged and kissed me and we said I love you before he headed out. Asher and I headed home and I had just unbuckled his carseat and was having him grab some movies that were in the van from church when my cell phone rang. Seeing as Brian is the only one who has my cell phone number and he knows what time I get home from dropping the boys off, I knew it couldn't be fabulous news because he would've just waited and called me on our house phone when he knew I was home. I answered and heard "Gavin left his lunch in the backseat." Aaaaaahhhhh! This wouldn't be too big of a deal if I weren't in pajama pants and had ridiculous looking hair due to the fact that it was pulled all back from when I washed my face last night (did I mention that I am breaking out like a teenager?). I ran in the house and threw on some jeans, but had no time to do anything with my hair because by now it was 7:50 and the bus for the field trip was leaving at 8:00. I ran back up to the school and was hoping that I could just sneak into the office and have Gavin come down and grab his lunch. No such luck. In the office were 2 moms that I somewhat know because they were signing in to go on the field trip. I was so embarrassed. I looked so horrible! Gavin came down and grabbed his lunch and I told him to put it in his backpack next time, like I told him. He had this little grin and said "Ok, thanks Mom."

I hope that kid likes his note from me, in the lunch that I humiliated myself bringing to him after he forgot it in the car.

Just another day in mommy world.

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