Once all the fun decorations from the holidays are down and put away, my house always feels so boring to me. I always itch for something to be new and exciting in my decor, but don't want to spend a ton of money either. Well, I found the perfect solution for that at Right On The Walls!
They are a great company that makes vinyl wall art, custom color labels, car decals and more! I especially love their wall art. What a quick and easy way to add new interest to a room! So you know when I saw what they had to offer, I wanted one for my wall! I am planning a total makeover of my main living area of my house and really want to decorate in a way that reflects my family and things that are important to us, so the vinyl wall art I chose says "Faith" big in the middle and then in a circle around it, it says "To Those Who Have Faith; No Explanation Is Necessary, To Those Without; No Explanation Is Possible". I just love that! I am really itching to get the painting and all that good stuff done now so I can put it up as the focal point of my living room!
They have all different types of wall art...for your kitchen, bedroom, children's rooms, laundry room, entryway, bathroom, etc. There is something for just about anything you could think of. You can get personalized wall art or a vinyl decal to put on the dance floor for your wedding (my sister did this and it was so cool). They also have these really cool wall clock kits that are actually a functioning clock. Seriously awesome. Not only can you put the vinyl art on walls, but it also can be put on glass, mirrors, metal and plastic, so you can put them almost anywhere.
Here are a few of the hundreds of designs they offer...

Now, wouldn't you like to add a fun new piece of decor to your home? Well, it's your lucky day! Right On The Walls has offered one of my readers a $40 gift code to be used at checkout from their website! See below for how you can enter to win this awesome giveaway.
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on January 31st. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Right On The Walls and tell me what you would spend your $40 coupon on if you were to win. (1 entry)
Extra Entries:
Follow my blog (publicly via google friend connect, located on the top right sidebar) - You can use this as an entry whether you are a new follower or a current follower. (2 entries)
Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and leave me the link to your post (5 entries) This counts as 5 separate entries so leave a comment for each and just number them.
Become a fan of Right On The Walls on Facebook. (1 entry)
Place my Beat the Winter Blues Event button on your blog and leave me 3 separate comments saying you did. The button is found on the right sidebar of my blog.
(3 entries)
That's 12 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclaimer: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
I would get "A picture is worth a thousand words" or something with our family name on it!!!
jamietruwe (at) yahoo
I like owl on branch and surname clock the best... but I didn't look at everything, so I am sure I could find a zillion more things I loved!!
have your BTWB button 1
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have BTWB button 3
FB fan Right on the walls- Desiree Glaze
The clocks are so very cool! I think I would choose something to make laundry more fun ~ if that's possible:-) The one that says The Laundry Room, sorting out life one load at a time. kerry_bird (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would get the: Live Well ... Laugh Often ... Love Much.
jodisaladino (at) hotmail (dot) com
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jodisaladino (at) hotmail (dot) com
Its hard to pick just one, because I love these things!!!
Id have to go for this one, I have a little plaque in the house that says it....but I would love to put it on my kitchen wall.
It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Become Who You Really Are
— E.E. Cummings
Honestly if I won one, I would probably buy another, because I dont think I could pick just one!
These are so cool!
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I would choose books are food for the brain
l palmateer at yahoo dot com
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I have beat the winter blues button on my blog
l palmateer at yahoo dot com
I have BTWB
l palmateer at yahoo dot com
I have BTWB
l palmateer at yahoo dot com
What a wonderful giveaway. I have always wanted words on the wall. I'd pick the master bedroom one that says hand in hand side by side heart to heart.
Thanks Rhondi
following 2 wurmMJ(at)aol(dot)com
I love the Sisters wall art! so cute! wurmMJ(at)aol(dot)com
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I love the birdcage one! I also really like the birds on a wire.
fan on facebook- Lindsey Grogan
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I would get...
This kitchen is season with love.
Thanks for the giveaway!
i'd probably get the books are food for the brain
hockiemack at hotmail.com
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I would have to decide between the Creative Zone and the Birds on a Wire decals.
I really love the Chalkboard Oval Sign.
I'd choose the Fleur Clock for my kitchen.
I would pick the custom baseball clock for my sons or the 24 inch life size cutouts with a picture of my son.
i would choose the bird in cage decal
i follow your blog via google friend connect (redfuzzycow)
i follow you via google friend connect (redfuzzycow) #2
i became a fan of right on the walls on facebook (jen reda)
I would get the Fresh Hot Water decal for my bathroom!
northssclub (at) yahoo (dot) com
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northssclub (at) yahoo (dot) com
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northssclub (at) yahoo (dot) com
fan of Right on the walls on Facebook (Alli Tsao)
northssclub (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the Stars - 20 Piece Kit, it would be perfect for my son's room.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I follow on google friend connect
I follow on google friend connect #2
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of Right on the walls
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I have your beat the winter blues button, http://lunaj1456.blogspot.com
I have your beat the winter blues button, http://lunaj1456.blogspot.com #2
I have your beat the winter blues button, http://lunaj1456.blogspot.com #3
I like Music Is The Voice Of The Soul decal
Finally Finding Me...I Think follwer via Google #1
Finally Finding Me...I Think follwer via Google #2
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