Outside my window... Lightly falling snow and white as far as the eye can see. I love the snow, it's so beautiful.
I am thinking... that as much as my children drive me crazy sometimes, they are such a blessing and a pleasure in my life and I love them beyond belief.
I am thankful for... the wonderful devotion time I had today and the things the Lord revealed to me.
I am wearing... blue sweatpants with white stripes down the sides and a Detroit Lions sweatshirt (I almost hate to admit that LOL).
I am hearing... Gavin practicing on his electric guitar. Sounds pretty good actually.
I am remembering... what it was like to work midnights with two little ones and how blessed and fortunate I am to be able to not have to work and be able to stay home with my children.
I am creating... a list of all the things I want to accomplish around the house this year.
I am going... nowhere today, except to the couch this evening to watch t.v. and enjoy a couple cups of coffee while being warmed by the fireplace.
I am currently reading... The Lightkeeper's Daughter by Colleen Coble (a Christian fiction novel that I'm reviewing for Thomas Nelson).
On my mind... how busy the rest of this week and this weekend are going to be (I don't do too well with being away from home a lot, I'm kind of a homebody in a lot of ways).
Pondering these words... "Mom, can we take the way home where we drive by church?" (Today was the second time Asher asked me to do this after picking the boys up from school, I'd say he likes it there!)
Noticing that... my children are as unmotivated as I am to get things done around the house.
From the kitchen... homemade chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.
Around the house... too much junk!
One of my favorite things... Coffee! It just soothes me.
From my picture journal... Just a sweet little picture from when Gavin and Riley were little. Time goes too fast.

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aw, look how cute those lil boys are! Still are!
I am so glad you get to be home with those boys - I know you love it!
Colleen Coble is a great author.
Wow this sounded so cozy and relaxing!! haha even though it might not be ..you have such a sweet spirit!! love that! <3
Everyone told me that my kids will grow up too quickly! I couldn't understand completely until recently!
I love looking at old photos... when the world was filled with cute little giggles and enormous smiles for mom! Why do they have to get so big so fast?! Thanks for the smile! That is the cutest picture!
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