So here it is, the kick-off of my Beat the Winter Blues (BTWB) Event! I hope you're ready to hear about some great products and to have the chance to win some for yourself! So, without further ado, let me introduce you to our first great product and company...
Soda Stream is a company that provides you with your own home soda fountain! That's right, you can make your own soda, energy drink and flavored waters at home. It's extremely easy and extremely yummy, not to mention fun too.
Soda Stream generously sent me their Jet Stream machine, 2 bottles and a CO2 tank along with 9 soda flavors and a 3 pack flavored water variety pack! I couldn't believe all the great stuff they sent me! The flavors of soda they sent were Orange (which is caffeine free), Diet Cola, Diet Pink Grapefruit, Diet Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Cranberry Raspberry, Lemon-Lime, Lemon Fresh and Energy Drink. The variety pack of My Water flavors they sent me were Berry, Lemon-Lime and Orange. There are many other flavors to choose from too!
We decided to bust this bad boy out and use it on New Year's Eve as a special treat with the boys. It's a really easy process. We put the CO2 tank in and proceeded to fill one of the bottles up to the fill line with very cold water (did I mention that all you need is tap water? pretty darn cool, huh?) and then we put it in the machine and proceeded to push the button. Here comes the funny part...Brian didn't exactly read the directions thoroughly and we hadn't screwed the bottle onto the machine, so when we pushed the button, water flew out all over the boys and I because we were standing in front of it to watch! Fortunately, it's just water, so it wasn't sticky at all and we wiped it up and re-filled our bottle and put it on the right way this time. Then we pushed the button until we heard 3 loud buzzes, unscrewed the bottle, poured in the soda flavoring (we chose Lemon-Lime), screwed the top onto the bottle and gently moved the bottle around for the flavoring to mix into the water, put ice in some glasses, poured our homemade soda in and...were thrilled with the results. Tastes just like store bought soda, only we didn't have to go to the store to get it and...and this is a big and, it isn't made with high fructose corn syrup. Yup, that's right, no high fructose corn syrup in the regular flavors and no aspartame in the diet flavors! Now that is something I can feel really good about.
Here's pictures of us using it for the first time...
We don't typically have soda in our house too much, so this is a special treat for the boys and us. A couple days a week, we will let the boys pick out a flavor and we will make some with dinner or as an after dinner treat. Another great thing about it is the size of the bottle makes just the perfect amount for each of us to have a glass and there's none left to get flat in the fridge. Also, once we're done, we just rinse out the bottle with warm water and it's ready for the next time. I truly love this product!
So far, we have had the Berry flavored water and the Lemon-Lime, Orange, Diet Root Beer and Diet Cola flavored sodas and have liked them all. I really don't know why we would ever buy soda from the store again.
To be honest, in my own dorkiness, I'm excited to have someone over so I can make some for them. LOL It's seriously cool.
So, I know you can't possibly be thinking anything but "Hey, I want one of those!" Well, today is your lucky chance because the great people over at Soda Stream have offered to give one of my readers their very own Fountain Jet Soda Lover's Start-Up Kit (approx. $100 retail value.) It includes the winner's choice of black/silver, white or red/silver Fountain Jet, CO2 to make over 100 liters of soda, 2 reusable carbonating bottles, a sample pack of flavors, and 3 full-sized flavors of the winner's choice!!! Now I know you're excited, so check out below to see how you can gain entries to be the lucky owner of your own soda fountain at home!
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on January 17th. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit SodaStream.com and take a look around. Come back and tell me what your favorite flavor would be from the ones they offer. (1 entry)
Extra Entries:
Follow my blog (publicly via google friend connect, located on the top right sidebar) - You can use this as an entry whether you are a new follower or a current follower. (2 entries)
Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and leave me the link to your post (5 entries) This counts as 5 separate entries so leave a comment for each and just number them.
Place my Beat the Winter Blues Event button on your blog and leave me 3 separate comments saying you did. The button is found on the right sidebar of my blog.
(3 entries)
That's 11 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclaimer: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
Hubby says Pete's Choice! He loves Dr.Pepper and would love to try this!
Nicole and Stevie
Google Friend Follower
Nicole and Stevie
Google Friend Follower 2!
Nicole and Stevie
That is so cool!
I wanna see the pics of you guys getting splashed LOL, This looks like such a cool product and I love that there is n artificial crap or HFCS in it!
Entry 1
I would choose the cranberry Raspberry, it looks yummy, the prices aren't to bad either, I dont think.
Oh, tough call on the choices. I think Cream Soda is my fave. But the boys would like Lemonade.
And I follow your blog..
What a cool giveaway!! I think I would like the orange mango.
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
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Blogged about this, here.
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
The button is found on the right sidebar of my blog.
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would like Orange soda. My email addy is public.
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heta g
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My husband would love the root beer!
have your BTWB button 2
have your BTWB button 3
Diet Cola
I love the Diet Root Beer
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My favorite soda flavor is cola. I'd be very interested to try theirs to see how it compares to Coke!
I'm a current follower of your blog! Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd love to win!
So... do I leave a second comment saying I'm a follower to get the second entry for following?
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I would like the diet cola. =)
I really would like CREAM soda, it reminds me of my childhood.
Hi Danielle~
I especially liked the flavored spritzer water! I could always use a little help getting in more water each day - yet I can't stand drinking straight water that much!
Plus it looks really fun!!
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I think I might like the cranberry-raspberry best.
Our friends have a machine similar to this that they got in Germany. We love mixing the carbonated water with purple grape juice - yum!
I have followed your blog.
I've blogged about the contest here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-want-to-win-this.html
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I've blogged about the contest here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-want-to-win-this.html
Entry 2
I've blogged about the contest here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-want-to-win-this.html
Entry 3
I've blogged about the contest here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-want-to-win-this.html
Entry 4
I've blogged about the contest here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-want-to-win-this.html
Entry 5
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I would choose the Pete's Choice!! Like Dr. Pepper:) Please enter me. Thanks!!
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Blog follower #2
Diet Petes Choice
I used to love Cream Soda when I was growing up. That would be my first choice of flavors.
Pete's Choice would be my choice. I'm a Pepper.
I would probably like the energy flavor the best.
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My favorite flavor is the cream soda.
I follow your blog.
I placed the Beat the Winter Blues Event button on my blog.
I placed the Beat the Winter Blues Event button on my blog.
I placed the Beat the Winter Blues Event button on my blog.
Rootbeer for me please. I really like these machines and want to try one. Thanks for the contest.
My favorite would be the Cola flavor.
chelea_girl (at) yahoo (dot) com
My hubby & the kids voted unanomously for the Cream Soda!
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(2) Placed "Beat the Winter Blues Event" button on my blog, in the right sidebar, under "Our Magical Parallel Worlds..."
I follow this blog publicly entry #2 romapup at gmail dot com
(3) Placed "Beat the Winter Blues Event" button on my blog, in the right sidebar, under "Our Magical Parallel Worlds..."
I would like to try the root beer flavor.
(1) Blogged this Review & Giveaway on my website blog.
(2) Blogged this Review & Giveaway on my website blog.
(3) Blogged this Review & Giveaway on my website blog.
(4) Blogged this Review & Giveaway on my website blog.
(5) Blogged this Review & Giveaway on my website blog.
#2 follow your blog
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
(wasn't awake enough this am when I made my first comments OOPS).
#2 for blogging about this, here
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#4 for blogging about this, here
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#5 for blogging about this, here
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#2 for placing the button on my sidebar.
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
#3 for placing the button on my sidebar.
jodisaladino (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to try the diet Cream Soda :)
Pink Grapefruit for sure!
Diet Pete’s Choice for me. Thanks.
cranberry raspberry sounds great!
aahaft at gmail dot com
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aahaft at gmail dot com
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aahaft at gmail dot com
I'd like to try the Root Beer.
I'm following now.
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my favorite flavor is diet grapefruit
follower #1
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I follow ur blog.
This looks awesome! I'd love to win the Diet Root Beer flavor!
xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com
like to have this for soda making looks great! please add me thanks
I think I would like the Lemonade the best.
my favorite is the Pete's Choice. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
cream soda :)
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#2 follower
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Hi Danielle! This is the coolest gadget EVER! I love the fact that there is no aspartame in any of the diet flavors. My daughter is Type 1 diabetic and it seems like every drink without sugar has aspartame! Thanks so much for reviewing this item!
My favorite flavor to try is the Diet Dr. Pepper.
My favorite would be the Cream Soda
Great prize. I would love to try the cream soda.
I would like to try cola flavour.
1. I follow your blog.
2. I follow your blog.
My flavor of choice would be cream soda. My kids would love Pete's Choice.
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I have your Winter Blues button on my Events sidebar!
I have your Winter Blues button on my Events sidebar!
I have your Winter Blues button on my Events sidebar!
pink grapefruit and lemon lime
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I'd choose the Cream Soda. YUM!
spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
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spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
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spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com
you can never go wrong with cola flavor!
nettysgirl at gmail.com
The cola flavor would be perfect for my family
Root Beer! I love root beer!
Diet Ginger Ale would be MY choice! I've been eyeing this soda system for a long time. It is indeed very cool.
cream soda
diet gingerale
I'm very boring, I'd like the diet cola flavor best.
ajolly1456 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ajolly1456 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have your button, #3 http://lunaj1456.blogspot.com
ajolly1456 (at) gmail (dot) com
Lemon Lime of course!
My flavor would be lemonade - I love carbonated lemonade!! My husband would choose Fountain Mist.
Thanks for the chance!
my whole family would love the cream soda
I am now following you on google reader
My favorite flavor is orange!
I follow your blog #2
I would love the diet cola and my kids would like the cream soda. Thanks for the chance to win! stilljen(at)comcast(dot)net
I would love to try the orange soda thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i follow your blog 1/2 thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i follow your blog 2/2 thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I would looove to win this!! my family would be soo happy to be doing something like this together! Great bonding time for my 3 kids and i :)
kristygordanier (at) yahoo . com
sooooooooo neat! i want this sooo bad!!
kristygordanier (at) yahoo . com
my 3 kiddos would love this to do! how fun! THANK YOU!! :)
kristygordanier (at) yahoo . com
I would looove to win these!! :) thank you!
kristygordanier (at) yahoo . com
I would love to try the mango flavors! This would be so fun!
I'd love to try the cream soda, ginger ale or orange/mango
Cream soda would be my first to try!! This is so cool! We just might have to buy one of these for Father's Day for Grandpa!!
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my fave would be the pink grapefruit
i follow you via google friend connect (redfuzzycow)
i follow you via google friend connect (redfuzzycow) #2
I think regular ol' Cola flavor is the best!
I follow you via Google friend connect.
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