I was very glad to have had the opportunity to review a workbook and DVD set called Faith Path - Helping Friends Find Their Way To Christ by Mark Mittelberg. Mark is the best-selling author of Choosing Your Faith and coauthor of Becoming a Contagious Christian (two books I have not read, but am now very interested in). Best-selling author Max Lucado says of Mark, "Mark has emerged as a well-reasoned voice in the conversation about faith." If you're a Christian, I know you must know who Max Lucado is, so that's a really big honor to have him say something so great about Mark.
Faith Path is a workbook/DVD combo that is an excellent resource for small or large groups, as well as individual use. I enjoyed going through it on my own and would love to use it in a group to hear others' thoughts and suggestions. People of all different religious backgrounds tell how they came to Christianity and about how once they started looking into Christianity for themselves, they realized all of the compelling facts and evidence for it. There are people who were formerly atheists, buddhists, mormons, new age, etc. who share their stories of how they came to know the Truth.
Mark talks about the different faith paths that people take in their lives, what brought them to where they are, and how to understand where they are coming from and be able to share with them in a non-pushy or judgmental way (afterall, as a Christian, aren't you supposed to be non-judgmental anyway?).
I love how he says that if you are a Christian because you were brought up in a Christian family, that you shouldn't just be a Christian because your family was, but that you should research and investigate the Bible and Christianity for yourself to really make it your own and know why you believe what you believe. I think that's an excellent point. It's just like all of the people of former religions saying that once they really examined the religions they were a part of and what they stood for, they saw that they did not have facts or proof to stand on, but that Christianity is the only thing that does. Knowing those things has caused them to have such a strong faith. If you are a Christian, you should know for yourself from your own searching, all of the compelling truth behind Christianity to really be able to make your faith your own.
I really think that this workbook and DVD are excellent sources to use to really understand why people believe what they believe and how we can share with friends and family the Truth in such a way that they will want to seek for themselves and build their own faith in Christ.
You can purchase this for yourself or for group study at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Christianbook.com
and other book retailers.
I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to do this review from The B & B Media Group.
I was sent these materials for free for review purposes. My review and opinions were in no way persuaded by the company involved.
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