We are a family who loves camping and loves playing games together, so when I discovered Education Outdoors and their products, I got really excited.
I was sent two of their games to review and would like to share with you what my family and I thought of them...

The first game is their S'mores card game. The object of this game is to be the first person to build a s'more. That means you need to get two graham crackers, 1 piece of chocolate and 1 marshmallow. Now, there are different types of each of the ingredients and each offers a different point value. For instance, you get more points for a perfect graham cracker than for a broken one. The game is for 2-6 players and although it says it's for ages 6+, our youngest was able to play pretty well and he's just a couple months shy of turning 5. What we found to be more fun for playing the game than the original rules of being the first to build a s'more was to play that whoever had the highest points after so many games was the winner. That seemed to make better use of the point values of the cards. The older boys weren't as into the game as I thought they might be, but it's a great game for my husband and I to play with our youngest son, because he really enjoys it.

The second game we received for review was their CAMP Travel Game. The game comes with everything you need inside of a cool little wooden box that also serves as the game board. This game has a traditional style of being the first to make it around the board, but I like the cool little twists it has on it. This game is for ages 4 & up and I would agree with that. The coolest thing about the game to me is the question cards and how they have 4 levels of play on each card. In other words, there are questions on each card that range from easiest to most difficult, so each card can accommodate anyone from my youngest son up to my husband and I. My youngest son loved that his question (they are multiple choice, by the way) allowed him to look at the picture on the card and answer his question from there. I thought this was cool too because the game was teaching him things, as well as myself. He actually beat me the first time we played together! Another feature of the game that my kids thought was cool (ok, I did too) was the little decoder that you put the question card under to see what the correct answer to each question is. Something so simple, yet so fun and keeps the answers from being easily seen on the cards. This game is a hit with us. The only bummer for me is that it's only up to 4 players and we have 5 people in our family, but other than that, it's awesome!
I was very happy with these games and since they are both compact, they are great for taking with us camping or wherever else we want to take games but don't want to have to lug big board games to. Now I've got my eye on their Snipe game. That one looks like something my boys would definitely like!
So, I'm sure you noticed the fact that this is a giveaway and are waiting for me to tell you what the great giveaway item is. Well... there will actually be 2 winners for this giveaway! That's right, one reader will win a S'mores card game and another reader will win a CAMP Travel Game! So, what are you waiting for? Read below for how to get your entries in!
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on August 24th. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose a new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Go to the Education Outdoors website and tell me something about any of their games that I didn't mention in my review. ALSO TELL ME WHICH GAME YOU WOULD LIKE TO WIN. Of course the first number drawn will receive their first choice and the second number will receive the other game. (1 entry)
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Place my Finally Finding Me...I Think button on your blog and leave me a comment saying you did. The button is found on the right sidebar of my blog.
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Blog about this giveaway with a link to my blog and leave me the link to your post. (1 entry)
"Like" The Education Outdoors Inc./CAMP facebook page and tell them that Danielle from Finally Finding Me... I Think (http://yelliepooh.blogspot.com) sent you! (1 entry)
That's 8 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved
Something I didnt know is that the makers of this game have been morrel mushroom hunting in Northern Michigan, this is awesome, Terry & I go Morrel hunting too!
I think the game snipe looks cool, and I also like the CAMP travel edition game!
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I learned that the camp boardgame can be played by both adults and chilrden! I would love to win the camp boardgame!
I'm a longtime follower of your blog!
I like the camp travel game. I like the case it comes in and keeps everything together.
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1. I learned that to win the game you must say "smores". I would like to win the Camp travel game
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i learned that camp is a fun & entertaining game that puts kids vs. aults to see who gets to camp first. This (camp boardgame) is the one ide like to win
Holly Miller
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Holly Miller
I like that it is a fun game for kids and adults to play together and have great family fun thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I like that it is a fun game for kids and adults to play together and have great family fun thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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