You know what creeps me out? The thought of dust mites and icky stuff in my bed. It's just gross! Well, CleanRest wants to eliminate all that creepiness and were kind enough to send me 1 mattress encasement, 1 box spring encasement and 2 stuffed pillows for review.

Their products are made with MicroOne technology and here's what that means...
MicronOne® is a revolutionary new fabric that blocks even the tiniest allergens and microtoxins.
Allergen Barrier
Maximum protection against dust mites, mold, pet dander and other allergens that occur naturally in every home.
Water Resistant
Prevents staining and contamination from liquids.
Breathable Comfort
Breathes naturally like your very own skin.
Durable and machine washable.
That all sounds pretty good, right? It sounds even better when you consider I read that "the average pillow can gain up to two pounds in weight over a few years from all of the nasty things that occur naturally in your home." Excuse me for a minute while I vomit! That is so gross!
So, needless to say, I was very excited about getting the pillows. I wasn't sure if I'd like them or not because of how squishy they were, but I have actually had some of my most restful nights of sleep since I got them. Coincidence? Maybe. But in any case, they haven't been uncomfortable like I thought they would be. Another cool thing is that the mattress encasement fits on my pillow-top mattress. I thought that was great because a lot of times even sheets and stuff don't stay on it well. It even goes over the mattress pad, so that stays on better too! I just wish I had had this when we first got our mattress because it would have saved it from the sweat stains (go ahead and say it's gross, but I bet they're on your mattress too, it is gross though LOL).
I think these are great products and I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want them on their bed. You totally want them now, don't you? Well, this could be your lucky day because CleanRest would like to give one of my readers a bedding set like I received for this review, in your choice of size! Now that is awesome! See below for how to enter...
This contest will be open until 11:59 PM on March 30th. At that time I will use random.org to determine the winner. The winner will then be emailed and have 24 hours to respond, otherwise I will choose new winner. This contest is open to U.S. residents.
MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit CleanRest and tell me something about their products that I didn't mention in this review. (1 entry)
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That's 8 chances to win! Good luck!
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review purposes. My opinions expressed in this review were honest and genuine and I was in no way persuaded by the company involved.
The inventor gary goldberg used three generations of his family’s textile manufacturing background to develop the solution
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I can buy Clean Rest at Bed Bath and Beyond!
bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com
They have Allergy Window Panels! Something I've never heard of. Interesting!!
It's machine washable and is sold on Amazon!
free delivery on orders over $150
Their site had some interesting information about dust mites. They state "Dust mites can live as long as they have food, which consists of dead human cells and water, which they absorb from humid air. Once you apply CleanRest, you effectively cut off their water and food supply and the dust mites begin to die off." Ewe. It would definitely make me sleep easier knowing that if I had CleanRest on our bed, that I wouldn't have to worry about the dust mites becoming a problem.
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The site states that their products are "free of BPA and Lead and contain No VOCs or Phthalates."
the_rebellious_observer [at] yahoo [dot] com
wow the allergy window treatments are awesome!
I learned that each square inch of the patented MicronOne™ fabric contains about 3 billion pores; a weave so tiny moisture can’t get in and micro-toxins can’t get to you.
Clean Rest also sells window coverings that block allergens
susan56bft at gmail dot com
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I learned that they are free of BPA and Lead and contain No VOCs or Phthalates! Very important to me!
jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com
They are having a 30% off sale until the end of the month.
jodisaladino (@) yahoo (dot) com
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I have your button on my sidebar.
jodisaladino (@) yahoo (dot) com
I blogged about it, here.
jodisaladino (@) yahoo (dot) com
Well, I found that I can buy Clean Rest products at the Bed Bath and Beyond Store here in Michigan-the store is only 10 miles from me :)
FB fan of Clean Rest-Julie A Scott Laws
Networked Blogs fan of yours-Julie A Scott Laws
FB fan of yours-Julie A SCott Laws
I really enjoy your blog :)
As a concerned parent whose child suffered from nighttime breathing difficulties, Gary Goldberg, the inventor of CleanRest®, used three generations of his family’s textile manufacturing background to develop the solution. The result is a fabric with a weave so tiny no allergen or liquid can penetrate it—and so comfortable and breathable, you virtually don’t know it’s there.
Each square inch of the patented MicronOne™ fabric contains about 3 billion pores; a weave so tiny moisture can’t get in and micro-toxins can’t get to you. It creates a breathable, yet effective barrier between you and what’s in your bedding. CleanRest® provides protection from bed bugs and bed wetting, creating the cleanest and safest sleep environment possible.
I am now a fan on facebook.
You can buy their products at amazon or bed bath and beyond thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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I am a facebook fan of protect your sleep page (mrstinareynolds)
You can buy these products at Bed Bath and Beyond.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
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yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
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