Join in the Spring Cleaning fun at Beautiful2God!
So, this week is the master bath. I don't have a ton to do in there, but I find this to be a perfect time to rant about the things about my master bath that I detest.
The first thing about my master bath that makes me want to scream is the ugly gold tub and counter top. Fortunately, the ugly gold toilet stopped working last year and we got a nice modern white one, so that was a huge improvement. Our plan is to rip out the tub and put in a nice corner shower and a linen closet (since there is no where to put towels and washcloths, thus the shelf/rack thing that takes up half the bathroom). Until then though, I must deal with the ugly gold tub and big sliding glass shower doors. The second thing that seriously irritates me about the master bath is that it is carpeted! Who in the heck carpets bathrooms or kitchens? That has to be one of the dumbest ideas ever! So, when we tear out the tub, we will also be tearing out the carpet and putting in tile. I'm not sure when that whole thing will take place because we don't have the extra money for it right now, but eventually it will happen. Until then though, I just want to make that bathroom look the best that I can.
So, here's what my plans are for the week. I am going to thoroughly scrub down my shower/tub and the glass doors. I'm going to re-caulk around the bathtub, I'm going to install my new shower head (you'll hear about that in the review/giveaway I'll be doing this weekend). I'm going to buy and install a new light fixture (goodbye to the ugly gold vanity light). I'm going to wipe down the walls, glue a couple little places where my border is peeling up, wash the rug, vacuum, clean the carpet and clean out under the sink. And of course, clean the toilet.
Here are my "before" pictures. See ya on Friday with the "after" pictures. ;-)
A view into my master bath from my bedroom.
Another view into my master bath from my bedroom. See the pretty gold tub and sliding glass shower doors?
Just another view of some of the stuff that's in my master bath.
A view from inside the tub, out toward the door leading to my master bedroom.
The mess under the sink in my master bath (kinda looks like the "before" in my main bath, doesn't it?). I plan on using some of the space that was made in my main bath linen closet to hold a lot of this stuff.
I hope you have a great and productive cleaning time.
Gold! It's like you're RICH then, RIGHT?! ;)(think positive, think positive...)
Take one thing at a time in your house. I have learned to be VERY, VERY patient... We don't have a lot of extra $$$ either, and you DO just make that best of what God has given you. He will bless our patience! :)
I look forward to seeing how you did this week, thanks for linking up!!!
You know I didn't even notice that the counter was gold until you pointed it out. The carpet stood out the most lol. Carpet in the kitchens/baths was a VERY 70's/80's thing to do.
Have you pulled up a corner of the carpet to see what *may be* under it?
Unfortunately, there's nothing under the carpet. Trust me, it was one of the first things I looked at. LOL
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