I had the opportunity to review a Bibleman DVD called Combating the Commandment of Confusion.
DVD Description
A dastardly villain plots to steal the armor of God.
The Commandant of Confusion and his side kick, Chaos, interrupt the Bible Adventure Training Academy and steal the Bible Team’s secret weapon, which helps them put on the full armor of God “anytime, anyplace.” There is a warning label on the secret weapon that reads in part, “this device contains the most powerful weapon known to man, follow instructions closely to prevent severe harm.” Will the Commandant heed the warning? Will the Bible Adventure Team recover it?
Scripture lesson: “God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace.” 1 Corinthians 14:33 (ICB)
Here's what I thought about it...
Honestly, I find Bibleman to be very corny, yet my kids seem to like it, so I decided I'd review Combating the Commandment of Confusion. My youngest son (who is 4) sat down to watch it one day and I could hear it from the room I was in. He was hooked a minute into the song that they sang at the beginning of the DVD. I didn't hear a peep out of him from then on. Right at the end of the DVD my middle son, (who is almost 8) came in and decided he wanted to watch it, so as soon as it ended, they started it again. My 11 year old son ended up coming in to watch it as well and pretty soon they were acting it out. The cutest thing was when I heard my almost 8 year old say "Wait, I need to say my Bible verse!" This prompted me to go in and use some of the verses they were saying on the DVD to explain how the Bible is God's Word and the Truth and how when we know the Truth, we won't be confused by the lies the devil tries to tell us. We talked about some of the different verses they referenced and what they meant and the kids really were interested. I must admit, this took me from viewing Bibleman as corny, to viewing it as a great tool that gets my kids interested and allows me to discuss things with them. It made for a great time of discussion and learning together about the Lord and I am now a serious Bibleman fan!
You can purchase this DVD at Amazon.com as well as many other locations.
Thomas Nelson provided me with a complimentary copy of this DVD for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were in no way persuaded by the company.
1 comment:
My boys like Bible Man. It is a little corny but they love it and it really has a fun twist to it.
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